Hope Garden

Contact Us:

Phone: (505)726-8068

Email: hopegarden@thecommunitypantry.org

Garden open hours: Mon – Fri 7am – 4pm

Facebook: The Community Pantry

Garden Box Rentals:

Boxes cost $75 per growing season and include water for your box, guidance on crop care and access to grounds and tools during open hours. Learn more.

Gardening Resources:



What We're Growing


There are many ways to donate to Hope Garden! 

 One of the best ways to support The Community Pantry Hope Garden is to participate in our programs! We want our garden to be a reflection of the community and YOU are that community! Some of our programs, like our garden box rentals, require fees to cover the cost of materials, other programs, like our seed exchange and artist incorporation project, are free!

Another way to donate is through your time. We are always in need of volunteers in the garden. Whether you have a full day, an afternoon, or a couple hours to donate your time, we will always love your support.

Material donations are a great way to help us with our current projects! There are a few materials that the garden is always in need of including wood, doors and windows, old building materials, straw bales, manure, mulch/yard waste, seeds, and 5gal buckets. Please call ahead if you are interested in donating these items.

Finally, financial donations help us greatly in our mission to Feed people and Spread Hope.

If you are interested in donating in this capacity, we have a current garden wish list available. If you would like your donation to fund a specific project we have a breakdown of our current project material lists available as well.

We also have a program sponsorship project! This allows you to cover the material fees for an individual or family to participate in one of our programs.